Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Every week when you go to church they hand you a bulletin. This bulletin gives you the order of the service, the readings and the gospel (and they are all spelled out). It gives you the songs (and all the words) that you will be singing. It then tells you about births, deaths, illness and birthdays. Next it gives the upcoming lineup for Sunday School, reading groups, foyer groups, mothers groups and Bible Study. You get the idea. It is a T-O-N of work. They do this every week!!!! For the past few days, I have been gathering info to put in the wedding program. Sounds simple..I know. The couple has to pick out the readings (1st and 2nd). They pick out the gospel. They pick out the songs for the Prelude, Processional and Recessional. The program needs to list names of the entire wedding party. It needs to list memorials. It lists the happy couple's new address. It is a T-O-N of work. Once the spelling of everyone's name is down pat, you have to lay the sucker out. Now I have a gifted and talented friend at work who is doing this for me. She is a saint and has the patience of Job. After the first few lines, I needed a big ole aspirin and was ready to call it quits. We worked on this for several hours. We were at work and therefore customers rudely interrupted us by needing our help. You'd think they could see we were busy but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. We completed the first page. No joke. The first page. Now I am heading out of town and the program is nowhere near ready for print. Please....Next I may have to pay a "rush" fee to guarantee their arrival before the wedding. Those weekly bulletins at church are much longer and much more involved than mine. I have a new found R-E-S-P-E-C-T for the poor soul who's job it is to produce them. They need to be laminated and published and passed down from generation to generation. Meanwhile, back on page two..........
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