Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Oh the times, they are a changing....

T. Rex was my neighbor. When we were all getting married, only guys had a bachelor party. This party lasted one night and according to Websters' was "an evening of debauchery". Sometimes the guys got a smidge out of control, tickets were issued
cars were lost and the groom to be came home tipsy. Now however, the groom has his bachelor party and the bride has a bachelorette party. Both functions can take days. Travel is no problem...New Orleans, Las Vegas, New York. Go figure... So all the bridesmaids head to the beach for a weekend of fun in the sun..Not so fast.....
Prior to the girls departure, the maid of honor and another bridesmaid decided to
visit a store with "adult" toys. They head into the store mid morning of a work day.
They are the only car in the parking lot. Much to their dismay, when they open the door, the place is teaming with customers. This place has an underground parking lot so decent people won't see your car!!!! The clerk behind the counter says, let me guess..bachelorette party. Who would have thunk it??? They were nailed. As they moseyed around the store, they got quite an education. They purchased one cake pan in the shape of a penis....thankfully I was not told about other "goodies" they bought and they left the store. By all accounts, the chicks had a great weekend...I pray they are discreet when it comes to that arch enemy of mine....facebook. Please don't tell me if you see any pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Dru, Leslie is having her bachelorette party this weekend. Excited for her. Heavy breathing on this side of town.
