Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fine, fine, fine....

Weird feelings are erupting with very little warning. The other day my daughter and I had exchanged what seemed like a thousand phone calls. About phone call number 615, I got her voice mail. When she said her name, I immediately got teary. Only 10 more days, and she will never use our name again. I know CRAZY. But true. The florist wants to set up a prototype of the flowers. My family wants to come see the wedding presents. My daughter wants shoes to change into that are good for dancing. My son....well I haven't heard from him and that scares the bejesus out of me. Friends think we should go out to dinner. The hotel wants an itinerary of the weekend events. Still waiting on response cards. I run into people constantly that I wish we could have included. My mother wants to discuss her upcoming ensembles for the wedding. I have signed up to go to work two days next week, may have to rethink that schedule. The refrigerator is on the frits. The air filtration system light in my car has come on. I need new tires. Some members of the family want a limo. Precious wants me to have his car cleaned. He is an extremely busy man. Questions that keep me from sleeping.... Have you had all your shots to go out of the country? Does my STBSIL have your passport? Do you know what you are taking on your honeymoon? When are you going to get your nails done? Have your hives receded? have you sent the list of songs to the band? Does the band, florist, caterer and cake guy along with all guests know about the street closings? What time do we need to be at the church for the rehearsal? What time can we get into the church for the wedding?
Have I informed the photographer about all the photos we want? But we are fine. Just fine.

1 comment:

  1. Remember when they taught you lamaze breathing when the little darling girl was born?? This is really what you need it for - the last few days leading up to her wedding. Breathe, mama!
